Custom Built Stamped Openers
Stamped Openers are the most cost effective solution in the promotional beverage industry, and are unique to the Barwrench line of bottle openers. We came up with this idea after becoming dissatisfied with pad prints that don't last long, laser etching that didn't show up very well on steel, and simply because we wanted to give the customer something classic for a change. We offer custom built stamps, with a lifetime guarantee that can be used over and over again in our machines. If you are looking for a truly classic and rugged alternative to branding your openers, yet want to have the best price advantage in the market, these are for you!

2.0 for Cans, Bottles & Staining

Standard for Bottles

Price Chart for 2.0 and Standard Stamped Openers

Please email for wholesale pricing.
Standard Production Time : 30 Days
Price Chart Includes Cost of Openers
One Time Fee for Building Stamp
Stamp is Guaranteed for Lifetime
Business Card for Wallets
(also magnetic for the fridge)

Price Chart for Credit Card Stamped Openers